

IRIShub introduce two types of privileged system user controlled by foundations, the profiler and the trustee.

  • Profiler privileges

    1. Submit software upgrade/halt proposal by governance.
    2. Invocate a service by profiling mode, under which service fees can be exempted.
  • Trustee privileges

    1. To be the destination address if the usage type of a CommunityTaxUsage proposal is Distribute or grant.
    2. Send withdraw-tax transaction to withdraw coins to an account from system service fee tax pool.
  • Genesis Profiler/Genesis Trustee (Defined in genesis.json)

    1. Only Genesis Profiler can add/delete Ordinary Profiler account
    2. Only Genesis Trustee can add/delete Ordinary Trustee account

Usage Scenario

  1. Add Profiler and Trustee

    Add Profiler (Genesis Profiler account only)

    iris tx guardian add-profiler --address=<profiler-address> --description=<profiler-description> --chain-id=irishub --from=<key-name> --fees=0.3iris

    Add Trustee (Genesis Trustee account only)

    iris tx guardian add-trustee --address=<trustee-address> --description=<trustee-description> --chain-id=irishub --from=<key-name> --fees=0.3iris
  2. Query Profiler and Trustee list

    Query Profiler list

    iris q guardian profilers

    Query Trustee list

    iris q guardian trustees
  3. Profiler submit software upgrade/halt proposal

    Details in upgrade

  4. Profiler call a service by profiling mode

    Service fee exempted

    iris tx service call --def-chain-id=<def-chain-id> --service-name=<service-name> --method-id=<method-id> --bind-chain-id=<bind-chain-id> --provider=<provider-address> --service-fee=1iris --request-data=<request-data> --chain-id=irishub --from=<key-name> --fees=0.3iris --profiling=true
  5. Trustee to be the destination address of CommunityTaxUsage proposal

    Details in governance

  6. Delete Profiler and Trustee (Genesis Trustee account only)

    Delete Profiler (Genesis Trustee account only)

    iris tx guardian delete-profiler --chain-id=irishub --from=<key-name> --fees=0.3iris --address=<profiler-address>

    Delete Trustee (Genesis Trustee account only)

    iris tx guardian delete-trustee --chain-id=irishub --from=<key-name> --fees=0.3iris --address=<trustee-address>