Gov Parameters

In IRIShub, there are some special parameters that can be modified through on-chain governance. All the IRIS holders may participate in the on-chain governance. If the community is not satisfied with certain modifiable parameters, it is available to submit a parameter-change proposal, and the params will be changed online automatically when the proposal passes.

Parameters in Auth

auth/MaxMemoCharactersMaximum number of characters in the memo field in a transaction(0, 18446744073709551615]256
auth/TxSigLimitMaximum number of signatures per transaction(0, 18446744073709551615]7
auth/TxSizeCostPerByteThe amount of gas consumed per byte of the transaction(0, 18446744073709551615]10
auth/SigVerifyCostED25519Gas spent on edd2519 algorithm signature verification(0, 18446744073709551615]590
auth/SigVerifyCostSecp256k1Gas spent on secp256k1 algorithm signature verification(0, 18446744073709551615]1000

Parameters in Bank

bank/SendEnabledTokens that support transfer[]
bank/DefaultSendEnabledWhether to enable the transfer function by default{true,false}true

Details in Bank

Parameters in Coinswap

coinswap/FeeSwap Fee(0,1)0.003000000000000000

Details in Coinswap

Parameters in Distribution

distribution/communitytaxFees charged for withdrawal[0, 1]0.02
distribution/baseproposerrewardThe base reward rate of the block proposer[0, 1]0.01
distribution/bonusproposerrewardReward rate for block proposers[0, 1]0.04
distribution/withdrawaddrenabledWhether to support setting the withdrawal address{true,false}true

Details in Distribution

Parameters in Gov

gov/depositparamsRelated parameters of the deposit mortgage phasemax_deposit_period:(0, 9223372036854775807]{"min_deposit": [{"denom": "uiris", "amount": "1000000000"}], "max_deposit_period": "86400s" }
gov/votingparamsRelated parameters of the voting mortgage phasevoting_period:(0, 9223372036854775807]{"voting_period": "432000s"}
gov/tallyparamsRelated parameters of the voting tally phasequorum:[0,1]
{"quorum":"0.500000000000000000","threshold": "0.500000000000000000","veto_threshold": "0.330000000000000000"}

Details in Governance

Parameters in IBC

ibc/AllowedClientsClients that support ibc["06-solomachine","07-tendermint"]
transfer/SendEnabledWhether to enable the transfer function{true,false}false
transfer/ReceiveEnabledWhether to enable the receive function{true,false}false

Parameters in Mint

mint/InflationToken issuance frequency[0, 0.2]0.04
mint/MintDenomDenom of the token mintableuiris

Details in Mint

Parameters in Service

service/ArbitrationTimeLimitMaximum time of dispute resolution(0, 9223372036854775807]120h0m0s
service/ComplaintRetrospectMaximum time for submitting a dispute(0, 9223372036854775807]360h0m0s
service/MaxRequestTimeoutMaximum number of blocks to wait for service invocation(0, 9223372036854775807]100
service/MinDepositMultipleA multiple of the minimum deposit amount of service binding(0, 9223372036854775807]1000
service/ServiceFeeTaxTax rate of service fee[0, 1)0.05
service/SlashFractionSlash fraction[0, 1]0.001
service/TxSizeLimitThe limit of the service tx size(0, 18446744073709551615]4000
service/MinDepositMinimum deposit amountamount: (0, +∞)[{"denom": "uiris","amount": "5000000000"}]
service/BaseDenomToken denom that must be used for depositsuiris

Details in Service

Parameters in Slashing

slashing/DowntimeJailDurationMaximum downtime (continuous)(0, 9223372036854775807]10m0s
slashing/MinSignedPerWindowMinimum signature rate in each window[0, 1]0.7
slashing/SignedBlocksWindowSliding window for downtime slashing(0, 18446744073709551615]34560
slashing/SlashFractionDoubleSignPenalty coefficient for double sign[0, 1]0.01
slashing/SlashFractionDowntimePenalty coefficient for downtime[0, 1]0.0003

Details in Slashing

Parameters in Staking

staking/UnbondingTimeMortgage redemption time(0, 9223372036854775807]1814400s
staking/MaxValidatorsMaximum number of validators(0, 4294967295]100
staking/MaxEntriesThe maximum number of unbinding/redelegation orders in progress(0, 4294967295]7
staking/BondDenomBond denomuiris
staking/HistoricalEntriesHistorical entries[0, 4294967295]10000

Details in Staking

Parameters in Token

token/TokenTaxRateBase rate for issuing/mint tokens[0, 1]0.4
token/IssueTokenBaseFeeBase token for issuing tokensamount: (0, +∞){"denom": "iris","amount": "60000"}
token/MintTokenFeeRatioRate for mint tokens[0, 1]0.1

Details in Token